Our mission is to articulate strategy and experience to achieve:

Working software versus waste (investments and/or efforts that do not generate value)

Accepted and adopted by real users versus imposed, resisted, or rejected.

Meeting our clients’ business objectives versus whims and failures.

To achieve our mission, we commit to:

1. Civic Responsibility

Compliance with Laws and Human Rights

  • Adhere to all applicable laws and regulations in our professional practice.
  • Uphold human rights in all our professional activities, promoting equality and non-discrimination.

Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery

  • Reject all forms of corruption and bribery. Do not offer payments or gifts to influence business decisions.
  • Avoid participating in deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal practices. Advise our clients to prevent such practices and alert them if we observe any.

2. Integrity and Transparency

Honesty and Transparency

  • Be honest and transparent in all our interactions, avoiding any form of misinformation.
  • Provide effective recommendations based on qualified professional judgment, never suggesting anything that might benefit us commercially at the expense of our client.

Protection of Privacy and Confidentiality

  • Respect the privacy and confidentiality of our clients’ information and study participants, always obtaining informed consent.
  • Do not disclose personal or confidential information without express permission or in legally obligatory situations. Take reasonable precautions to protect sensitive information and the identities of those involved.

3. Professional and Social Responsibility

Professional Excellence

  • Deliver high-quality services by qualified professionals, using appropriate processes, real data, and valid information, avoiding conflicts of interest and producing quality deliverables.
  • Help our clients make informed decisions that reduce waste, risks, and uncertainty, and maximize value, even if those decisions might commercially disadvantage us.

Social and Environmental Responsibility

  • Consider the environmental, economic, and cultural implications of our work, minimizing any negative impact.
  • Avoid using goods or services that may harm the interests of our clients, the community, or the environment.

4. Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Professional Development and Community Commitment

  • Continuously update our professional skills and competencies to improve the quality of our services.
  • Promote professionalism and contribute to the advancement of our disciplines, fostering excellence in their practice.

Quality Throughout the Chain

Work with solid methodological principles in a spirit of collaboration, respecting all parties involved.

Do not use defective or harmful inputs or processes. Inform our clients about any harmful material, practice, or process we discover.