Presented at:

  • Artmedia 2016: Universidad Maimónides / CCGSM, Thursday, November 10, 2016
  • Interaction South America 2016: IxDA / Universidad Católica de Chile, Thursday, November 3, 2016
  • XI Latin American Design Meeting: Universidad de Palermo, Tuesday, July 26, 2016
El futuro del Diseño y UX: los 15 años que se vienen, Santiago Bustelo

Software is eating the world: not only is it omnipresent today, but its practices and methodologies are also changing the very way we plan and do things. Experience Design (UX), which emerged within the context of software, is beginning to encompass and impact other design disciplines, shaping their future.

In this presentation, we’ll take a brief look at the milestones of the last 15 years in Experience Design, and project the direction all design disciplines will take in the next 15 years.

Video of the presentation at Artmedia 2016